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The three-combination training rule is also called the three-combination circuit training rule. It is a training method that continuously performs three different actions on the same muscle group or different muscle bundles within the muscle group to promote the comprehensive development of the main muscle group. The three movements in the combination must be changed and differentiated in the action route, the point of action on the muscles, and the angle of action. The action gap is small, no more than 10-15 seconds at most. The gap between combinations should not exceed 15-20 seconds.
Skeletal muscles are composed of muscle fibers, blood vessels and nerves, so each muscle is an organ that can move independently. Muscle fibers form small muscle bundles, small muscle bundles form large muscle bundles, and large muscle bundles form muscle blocks. The large and small muscle bundles and the entire muscle are wrapped by connective tissue membranes. The membrane wrapping the large and small muscle bundles is called the muscle corset, and the membrane wrapping the entire muscle is called the muscle coat. Muscle corsets and muscle exosuits not only allow muscles to maintain a certain shape, but also allow muscles to attach to bones. They are important structures indispensable for muscle contraction and regeneration.
In addition, there is a large amount of connective tissue around the muscles that is affected by muscle activity to form various special structures, such as the deep fascia that penetrates deep into the muscle groups to form intermuscular intervals, and is finally connected to the periosteum. Because they have the function of allowing deep and superficial muscles to have the same working conditions when working, they are of great significance to muscle activities, so they are called auxiliary structures of muscles.
Skeletal muscles have several shapes: latissimus, longus and brevis. According to the number of muscle heads at their origin and insertion points, they are divided into biceps, triceps and quadriceps. When muscles perform work, the main muscle groups can contract as a whole, partially or focus on a certain head position. This means that when using a certain movement to train a certain part of the muscle, it is very likely that due to the different action points of the movement, the exercise of certain parts of the entire muscle will be omitted, so that the muscle cannot be fully developed. The three-combination training method is an exercise method that comprehensively exercises a certain muscle. It also achieves the effects of overload and overrecovery.ensure.
For the muscles of the main exercise area and adjacent areas, the exercise density and load intensity imposed by the three combination rules are extraordinary. Therefore, this principle is used in advanced stage training. In addition to perfecting the development of the main muscle group, it can also strengthen the function of the auxiliary muscle structure, thicken blood vessels, and make the shape and lines of the muscles clearer and more obvious.
When using it specifically, you must first understand the shape and starting and ending points of the muscles being trained, as well as the nature and route of muscle contraction, etc. Then select three different exercises to stimulate the muscles cyclically until the muscles are heavily congested and reach the extreme level of swelling and saturation.
For example, split-beam exercise for the deltoid muscles: front beam, upright press 8-12RM/8-12; middle beam, lateral raise 8-12RM/8-12; rear beam, prone lateral raise 8- 12RM/8-12. Do three circuit exercises in order. Since the three movements do not specifically train one muscle part, when doing one movement, the other two parts can rest, and the interval can be shortened to about 15 seconds. Of course, this is also a requirement for quality training. Another example is to use different force methods and action points to perform exercises of different muscle bundles and different properties: quadriceps: [leg press 6-8RM + leg flexion and extension 8-10RM + squat 6-8RM] × 3 groups, etc.
The three combination exercises can be arranged in any part of the course plan, but it is best to allow a longer interval after exercise to ensure the full realization of the congestion effect. Therefore, if arranged in the front part of the class, you can connect small muscle group exercises after the combination exercises to avoid blood transfer, or arrange them directly in the second half, or give them special treatment.